Mule Deer Photos – The Park’s Peaceful Residents
Probably the most common (and noticeable) animals you’ll encounter in Yosemite. These beautiful deer can be found grazing at various locations, though some seasons more than others. Here are some select mule deer photos.

To be honest, the picture above was actually taken in the Groveland foothills, nearby the park. There are a lot of mule deer in that area. This one was feeding by a grass oak tree scene in the morning.
Tioga Road Wildlife – Mule Deer Photos

How fortunate I was to find this young buck feeding along the Tuolumne River, near Lembert Dome! When I’m shooting in the park, sometimes the magic of the moment just overwhelms me.

I noticed quite a lot of mule deer up in Tioga Road’s high country. At least, I did in summertime. It’s not everyday that I get to photograph wildlife with a perfect landscape as well. Haha.

The image below is another prime location for deer sightings, especially in fall. This photographer had slowly worked his way up to the group, and set up his tripos and camera just meters away.

If you’re driving in to the park on SR120 (particularly in Winter), keep an eye out for mule deer on the sides of the road. Collisions do happen. In fact, there are so many deer in the foothills and the Sierra – sometimes I wonder how the mountain lion population has not exploded! I suppose the proximity to humans is what keeps it in check.
Anyway, you’re welcome to browse my main Yosemite wildlife photo album as well.
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.