Chipmunks & Ground Squirrels – Curious, Furry Friends At Viewpoints
I feel bad misrepresenting these furry little creatures. Apparently what many people think of as chipmunks are actually golden mantled ground squirrels instead. I became aware of this fact after already creating this album, so please don’t hold it against me. Here are four “Yosemite chipmunk” images I captured…

This handsome little fellow popped out onto a log when I hiked to the shore of May Lake. Nice to meet a new “friend” after making the hot summertime trek up to this beautiful place. I mostly see these chipmunks up in the high country, so I assume that’s the type of habitat they prefer / thrive in.

People really must feed them, because they don’t seem to mind begging for food one bit. You will often find them doing just that at popular park viewpoints like Olmsted Point, along Tioga Road. The colorful little guy below almost looks like he’s praying, huh?

I was able to capture a nice blurred background with these specimens. I accomplished this by zooming in quite far with my Canon G3X.
I wonder what preys on these ground squirrels…I imagine hawks, gopher and rattlesnakes maybe. Even the occasional bobcat or coyote, assuming they were fast enough.

This last photo comes from a different location. I believe this was near the wilderness center at Tuolumne Meadows. I do notice he has a bit of a different look to him…muted colors perhaps. Could be that it’s a slightly different variety, or maybe a juvenile?
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– Nathan Allen
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I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.