Yosemite Point Photos – King Of Vistas
I know, trekking up the grueling switchbacks to the top of Yosemite Falls is difficult enough, but just a bit more effort will provide you with some of the best views the park has to offer. Without a doubt, looking over my Yosemite Point photos cemented this hike as my new overall favorite.

Yosemite Point Photos – Snowy Mountain Peaks
I loved the views of Mt. Starr King from up here, as well as other landmark peaks around the park.

One could argue that I did this hike at the absolute perfect time. It was late April, after a particularly heavy snow season. The weather was ideal – not too hot, but not cold at all. Crowds on the trail were minimal.
One thing to note is that there was a bit of snow leftover. In fact, at one point the trail itself disappeared on the way up to Yosemite Point.
I found it helpful to look for footsteps of others in the snow, though make sure you see a lot of them! Otherwise you may just be following some other poor lost soul.

Anyhow, just find the safest route up, because that’s all you really need to do – keep going up. It’s hard to really get lost. Once up there, you’ll have sweeping views and it should be obvious where the best vantage points are.
Yosemite Point is west of North Dome, and as such, this angle provides a classic view of Half Dome. (Fun fact, you can see North Dome from up here as well…though it’s not pictured.)

Of course, if you’ve been following my adventures in Yosemite, you know how much I love to photograph landscapes with just the right clouds. Without a doubt, this is another reason I loved hiking up here on this particular day….

I met some tourists from Finland, and took this photo of one of them sitting down, overlooking the valley. I thought Finland had some incredible mountain landscapes, so I assumed they might not be particularly impressed with the Sierras.
However, they informed me they have nothing like this in Finland, and it was just as euphoric for them to be up here as it was for me…
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of YosemiteParkPhotos.com (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.