Mount Hoffman Photos – John Muir’s Favorite Peak
Located above scenic May lake, the vistas offered from the top of this peak are said to be John Muir’s favorite. I’d probably choose Yosemite Point, but I certainly would kick the views below out of bed! Here is small collection of Mount Hoffman photos that I put together.

In my mind, this peak is more of a butte. It appears more like a blunt “thumb” than a jagged point. For this reason, I don’t think many people would be able to point it out in a lineup. Well, Tioga Road junkies & mountaineers probably could.

In any case, for me, the best part about Mount Hoffman was getting up to it. On the way, you must first trek to May Lake – and this stretch is one of the park’s most scenic I think. From there, the views get better and better as you continue up toward the peak.

The wildflowers up here were quite vibrant in late June, and provide a nice splash of color to the beautiful Half Dome views this hike provides.
I was surprised to see a good deal of wildlife on the last stretch to Mt. Hoffman. In the sparse, wide open alpine landscapes near the top, I encountered not only a sooty grouse (fowl), but also a curious yellow bellied marmot.

As I’ve noticed is the case with many alpine creatures, these animals don’t seem to have much of a fear of humans. I always found that odd. I guess this fear is something imprinted into their genetic “memory”, and they just never had a problem with humans the way they might with bobcats or mountain lions, for example.
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.