Sierra Foothills Photos: California’s Rolling Hills
This region of California is known as the “gold country”, and because my family immigrated here from Europe generations ago, it holds a special place in my heart. I hope my Sierra foothills photos will help you appreciate this scenic gateway to Yosemite & the high country.

Photos of Sierra Foothills
Oakdale / 120 Foothills

While “rolling hills” can be found throughout the state, these were captured just east of Oakdale, in the central valley. As you continue gently climbing (often you don’t even realize it’s happening), you’ll also come across beautiful grassland used for cattle grazing.

Even though these grassy hills are generally golden brown through the year, there’s a brief window in early spring when they’re nice and green. Above I captured cloud reflections in a natural pool used by the cows.
Sonora Foothills

Further north and at about 2000 ft in elevation, I took this photo on the outskirts of Sonora. This farmland is located near the Tuolumne river canyon, just north of Don Pedro Reservoir.
Groveland Foothills

Further east across the Tuolumne River, you’ll find Groveland, the real gateway to Yosemite. A bit higher up in elevation (3,000 ft maybe), again, these hills are usually dry and brown. I just happened to visit during a lush spring (after a very wet winter). This field of yellow wildflowers was a nice surprise!

Although the real sierra mountains lie ahead to the east, here you’ll find the foothills becoming more jagged and prominent. The Stanislaus National Forest boundary is located nearby as well.
Highway 120 at Don Pedro Reservoir

One of my favorite things to do is climb the Groveland foothills and look back down on Don Pedro and the San Joaquin Valley in the distance. Can’t beat a view like this, and it’s particularly good at sunset!
Sierra Foothills Photos – Sunset
Although it’s a bit off the beaten path, here you can relax and watch the tourists driving to and from Yosemite on windy Highway 120. It’s always amazing to look at Don Pedro Lake and think about how that water comes from the Tuolumne River, way up in the high country.
As rain and snowmelt, it travels down through Hetch Hetchy reservoir, by here, and eventually ends up in the taps and faucets of San francisco!
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.