Poopenaut Valley Hike Photos In June
Disclaimer: While I did attempt this hike, I chickened out when I encountered thick poison oak growth on the trail. The following Poopenaut Valley hike photos were actually shot from high above, with my zoom lens.

From the moment I passed the trailhead sign on the way to Hetch Hetchy, I knew I had to see this place. What kind of name is this? Haha. I love it. Right away I got busy concocting a story about just how this place earned its namesake.

Anyway, when I pulled over to get a good luck at this valley below, I must say I was quite struck by its unique beauty! Although it’s certainly not the longest, I heard this is actually the steepest trail in all of Yosemite.

I also heard that the mosquitos here are relentless…and judging by the look of the “swamp” above, I believe it. There are also (what looks to be) some incredibly rough and scenic stretches of the Tuolumne River. This is just west of where the water comes shooting out of O’Shaughnessy Dam.

So basically, if you’re doused in mosquito repellant and fully immune to poison oak, you might want to give this hike a shot. Send me some pictures if you don’t mind! Someday I hope to find a different route down to this valley. I’m convinced I can hike the open granite rock surface from the east, but we will see.
Poison Oak on the Poopenaut Valley Hike
Really a shame about the poison oak here. When you start the hike, there is none. It only starts growing at 4,000 ft and below, so it’s like a switch suddenly goes off on the trail, halfway down. There is none – then suddenly it’s everywhere, hanging directly over the narrow, overgrown pathway. If I wasn’t so deathly sensitive to this stupid plant, I would certainly have continued.
Anyhow, here’s more about how to avoid poison oak in Yosemite. Also be sure to check out my Yosemite trails photo gallery.
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of YosemiteParkPhotos.com (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.