Lundy Canyon Fall Colors- Eastern Sierra Gold
What a beautiful place! I ventured up and out of the park one day in October so I could finally check out the waterfall and autumn scenes here. Here are photos of Lundy Canyon fall colors adventure…

Located just north of Yosemite National Park, Lundy Canyon can be accessed from Highway 395. Although it’s probably not fair to say this, I think if you had to choose just one time of year to visit, October would be it!

Golden Aspen Trees
If you have a bit of a flexible schedule, it pays to monitor the websites that post eastern sierra fall color updates. They often crowdsource firsthand info from other travelers.

Anyhow, the drive into Lundy Canyon through these yellow aspen trees was fantastic! I knew right away I was in for a treat.
The Lake – Lundy Canyon Fall Colors

While the eastern Sierra tends to be a bit sparse and bleak, this time of year sees an explosion of color. I think these fishermen had the right idea out in their boat. Did I mention how perfect the weather was at this time, too? This lake and canyon is up at over 7,800ft.
Lundy Canyon Falls

A relatively brief (and moderate) hike takes you up to scenic Lundy Canyon Falls. In fact, there is a set of two notable waterfalls right next to each other.

I used my heavy duty 10-stop ND filter and circular polarizer to take these long exposure photos in broad daylight. By the way, it took slight bit of bushwhacking to get right to the base of these falls.

There was one other person there, and as chance would have it, she was also a solo photographer. We both had soaked, muddy shoes…and a good story to tell. Oh, the things we do for the shot…
Looking for lodging? Check out my Yosemite Hotels page.
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– Nathan Allen
About Me

I’m Nathan Allen, photographer / creator of (Yosemite Photos) and international travel site I Dreamed Of This. In truth, I lived in San Francisco, New York, & Singapore…but nothing compares to life in the mountains. I share my experiences HERE.